Friday, November 30, 2012

Final Day of NaNoWriMo

It's finally here. 
November 30th. 
The last day of NaNoWriMo 2012.

 I haven't quite made it to 50k yet, but I am a lot closer than I thought I would be by this time.  Tuesday was a terrible writing day for me and I definitely did not achieve 3000 words that night...more like 1000.  Meaning on Wednesday, I had 11000 words to write between Wednesday and today. 

Fortunately, I have an amazing friend who refused to let me give up Wednesday night.  I was ready to throw in the towel because I knew that 11000 words in three days, while not impossible, would be somewhat difficult considering I couldn't call out of work to write.  But there we sat, in Barnes and Noble (with a venti Peppermint Mocha) and before I left, I had over 3000 words.  When I got home, I wrote another 2000. 

Last night was almost as productive when I wrote over 4000 words after I got home from work.  And now, all that is left is 1,389 words until I reach 50k.  The finish line is right there and I will cross it before the day is over.

This month has been tough, and to any and all people that have had to put up with me these last 30 days, I'm sorry.  I promise that come December, I will actually sleep and have conversations that have something to do with anything other than writing, my characters, or my storyline (I'm sure I will still have those conversations...but I'll talk about other things too).  And I promise to try not to comnplain too much about having to edit 50k words.

Congratulations to any and all NaNoWriMo participants.  We did it.  We survived November.  And even if you haven't reached 50k yet, don't worry.  The point is that we all did it and we all wrote something unique, we all created something that is our own.  And no one can take that away from us.  Be proud of what you've written and everything that you've accomplished.
The finish line is so close! 
I will see you in the Winner's Circle!

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