Thursday, January 24, 2013


I had a very difficult time thinking of something to post about today.  In the past several weeks, I've taken a lot of time to relax and rest, spent time with my family over the holidays, and went down to the beach to see my mom.  In just the past three weeks, I've resumed working on my manuscript, editing and rewriting.  I had to pick up the pace though because there was a deadline I was trying to meet for my manuscript.

I panicked and stressed feeling like there wasn't enough time to get it done.  But in truth, I could have taken all the time I wanted, and tried to submit it next year when it rolls around again.  But I didn't want to wait.  I had to try.

The following is an excerpt from a post on Thought catalog:

4. If there’s something you want, but it’s high risk, high reward — take that chance before you’re no longer able to. Rejection feels bad, failure feels awful, but regret feels the worst. Disappointment that we passed on something and the train left the station without us. A dream, a girl, a guy, words left unspoken – you can erase the possibility of having these regrets down the road, by taking a chance and at least knowing if it was or wasn’t meant to be.

(For the full post:  11 Important Thoughts and Reminders for your Everyday Life)

So should I have waited?  No.  I would have felt the exact same way next year because that's just who I am.  I panic and I stress even when I don't need to.  And I may fail and get rejected, and yes, it will suck if that happens.  But it may not happen.  I may not fail.  In fact, I'm aiming to succeed because I know my material is great.  But even if I don't succeed this time around, I still tried.  And if I didn't try, I'd never get the chance to succeed in the first place.

I've let opportunities pass on by--not always with writing--and you do end up regretting it.  Or wondering What if?  That is a terrible question.  It puts countless ideas in your head and you have no way of knowing the answer.  It makes you feel guilty and full of regret.  Who wants that?  No one. 

So even if you are faced with a opportunity that very well could end in rejection or failure, take it anyway, even if there is a 99% chance you will fail (which I'm sure won't be the case).  You don't know the outcome for certain.  That 1% could be the game changer and you could succeed and win.  If you don't at least try, then there is a 100% chance you won't succeed. 

So stop asking What if?  Start telling yourself that the risk is worth the outcome.  Because it is!!

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