This is it...
The final four days of NaNoWriMo.
And I'm behind on my word count...again.
But it's okay becaues I still have four days. And if I can write 3000 words everyday for the next four days, then I will reach and surpass my goal of 50,000.
3000 words/day is not that hard. At least, that's what I keep telling myself.
This month has been amazing for me as far as writing goes. For the longest time, I was in a writing slump that I wasn't sure I'd ever climb out of. And now I look at my 38,000+ partial manuscript and I know that I've done it. Sure, my novel is far from completion, but 38,000 words is still something to be excited about. And believe me--I am. yes, this last week was somewhat difficult with so much going on, but I won't let that take away from how much I've already accomplished.
These last four days are going to be hard. I've already set my dvr to record all my shows coming on this week and have resigned myself to the fact that I won't see sunshine (partly because it's cloudy out and supposed to rain) until I reach my goal.
So for all you NaNoWriMo participants still struggling to make your word count...keep going! You still FOUR days to make it and you can get there!
To all of you NaNoWriMo participants that are just about to meet your goal--or to those who have surpassed it already--congratulations! And don't stop at just 50,000! Keep going! See how far November can take you!
Good luck!
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