"We should be taught not to wait for inspiration to start a thing. Action always generates inspiration. Inspiration seldom generates action." Frank Tibolt
I've regularly gotten into the habit of saying, "Well, I'm just waiting for inspiration to strike. And when it does, I know I'll write up a storm" or something to that effect. But rarely is it ever that easy. Very rarely can I go about my daily life and then at the most opportunistic moment, expect inspiration to strike, and then sit down and write away.
There are other times though, when I know that I have to write...even if I can only get a few words typed up on the computer or written down in my notebook. And it's times like those when I normally end up writing full scenes and chapters. Getting in the mindset and willing yourself to write, can create the inspiration that you're so desperately trying to create out of nothing. It's much easier for inspiration to strike when you're in the midst of your work.
At least, that's what I'm telling myself now as I sit down to work on this scene...
More inspiration quotes to come...I know I'm not the only needing motivation to write.
No you're definitely not the only one! I'm needing some inspiration myself. Thanks Meg!!!